Megan's six things from Friendly's that are so good they're disgusting (or vice versa) made me remember a few things about the restaurant from my past. Before I get to that (and I have a LOT to say about it) there are going to be some more changes around here. Change for the better. Obama-like change in the blogsphere. I'm not going into details today, because there are still a few loose ends to be tied up. But one to three of my fans complained about the lack of daily posts, so I am reponding to the masses and bringing it back. You'll get an update every weekday. I'm not telling you how, but it is coming. I'll layout the whole plan on Friday, when there is supposed to be a new list. Since there is no new list (thanks, Matthayes) I'll lay out this new plan instead. You are going to love it. I don't know how you couldn't love it. You might not love it, but you'll definitely like it. One a scale of one to ten you will at least like it.
So, Friendly's. Before we go into Megan's list of wonderfully disgusting foods from this ice-cream heaven I will tell you about (probably) the grossest thing that I have ever experienced in a restaurant. This should not reflect negatively on Megan's list, or on your desire to go to Friendly's to sample these things. I'm sure this wouldn't happen again. This might happen again. Anyway, I'll keep this really short. This happened when I was younger...I don't know how much younger, but it was at least 10 years ago. I love Friendly's ice cream. I will talk about my favorite ice cream sundae ever when we move on to Megan's list. This thing that happened to me, though. This thing was not a good thing. I sat down with excitement of the mediocre chicken fingers I was about to order, and the stand-out sundae that will be mentioned in a minute. I don't remember who I was with (was it my family? Eric do you remember this? Am I making this up? I don't think I am making this up). Regardless, I sat down and probably the worst think you could think of to be sitting next to you in a restaurant was sitting next to me. That's right. A real, human (presumably human) piece of poop. What a way to ruin a meal! Poop. In the booth of a restaurant that I was about to dine in. This was not a Twix bar. This was poop. I am willing to assume that it was from a baby, and that is understandable. No wait, that is still not understandable. Really though, don't let this stop you from going to Friendly's for any one or six of Megan's recommends. Here they are (I tried to get pictures of all of these, but then gave up):
Grilled Cheese and French Fries--I could see this being good. It would be hard to mess up a grilled cheese and french fries. Unless there was a piece of poop next to you.
Super Sundae Five-Scoop (3 scoops chocolate, 2 scoops vanilla, hot fudge, optional whip)--This is where Megan and I are obviously different people. I agree with the super sundae part. Always five scoops...if not then you probably don't actually like ice cream. But I could never get anything at Friendly's that isn't the Five-scoop Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Sundae. Nothing in the ice cream world is better. Not even poop could mess this up (OK, that was the last poop joke). And don't say Reese's Pieces are better in a sundae than a peanut butter cup. There is no way you could justify that argument.
Munchie Mania--Is this even a real food name!?
Double Thick Milk Shake in Chocolate--Yeah, I could see this being real good as well. I'll have one in peanut butter, please.
Turkey Club SuperMelt and French Fries--I agree 100%. This is always a satisfying sandwhich. It is one of the things that if I get something else, I always wish I had gotten this. Denny's has a version as well. They are basically the same thing.
Kickin' Buffalo Strips--I am a huge sucker for buffalo strips from anywhere. I will almost always order them if they are available. And I almost always regret it within the hour. Especially if I eat them and then pile a five-scoop sundae on top soon after.
Good picks Megan! Let's have a Friends Recommend field trip to Friendly's, please. I'll have the buffalo chicken strips and a five-scoop Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Sundae please. Hold the poop.
That's the second person I know that has a poop/Friendly's story. I used to eat at Friendly's every Sunday and never had any bad experiences. Later on in life there were some gross Friendly's moments. I worked there for a little under a year and have some barf-worthy stories from that experience as well. It's all really gross and I could never recommend anyone ever going there. Also, why is Friendly's possessive? Is Friendly a person? I never noticed that before now.
brother eric just informed me that mike gittings also has a friendly's poop story. this is funny to me. i must admit that mine is blown slightly out of proportion for the sake of the blog. i will just say that it wasn't really a "piece" and i will say nothing more. but it was definitely definitely definitely there. this was the parkville friendly's on harford road. also, brother eric is the type of idiot i was referring to who claims that pieces are better than cups in a sundae.
Holy smokes, this is really insane. We should hang out sometime and process this insane coincidence. I have to tell you, I've never been back to a Friendly's again. My experience may have been worse because the poop was on the bench seat and I put my hand in it. Arggh!!! I can't believe I'm reliving this. End of story. Damn that's gross.
you run into a tough dilemma whenever you enter the reeses pieces versus cup decision. of course the cup packs a better punch - with its peanut buttery / actually peanut paste-y innards... but there;s just one - maaybe two in the super sundae - i forget ... but the reeces pieces are many, and you dont have to dance around eating it versus saving it... you can eat a bunch and still have some left... and if they do it right... there's some on the bottom - like the happy-ending-sundae... so -i cant say which i like better... but i feel safer with the pieces
wow, i'm not a huge friendlys fan to begin with, but man i am never setting foot inside one ever again.
luckily, some places have a drive thru for ice cream.
i vote cup. all the way.
I do not like how Adam refers to a poop "piece" and then enters a debate about eating Reese's "Pieces". I feel like that's pulling punches and gross anyhow.
Did/does anyone else pronounce them as Ree-sees Pee-sees? That is totally inaccurate and it makes me feel stupid for pronouncing it that way for all of my life.
i've been going about this all wrong. apparently i just need to mention poop or candy to get this blog back on track.
this is gross! GROSS! i worked at friendly's for years and never, ever saw poop. this must be a maryland thing.
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