At her request, I am cutting out a lengthy introduction. I think most of you know her. She's my laaaa-dy, and she has a wonderful list to share with you all. Instead of a lengthy introduction, explaining all about her, and how she is about to jump into the freezing ocean for charity, and I am about to stand on the shore watching, I will just give her a plug. A full explanation is at the blog, but Heather just started a telephone pictionary blog, with some of her favorites from our recently played games. It is pretty great. The link is telephonepictionary.wordpress.com. Enjoy! And here she goes (all the commentary is her own):
Andre Breton--Nadja - I wouldn't expect many people to be able to find this, or like it.
Mark Danielewski--The House of Leaves
Steve Erickson--Zeroville - great book for film people
Alan Weisman--The World Without Us
Junot Diaz--The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wilde (book on tape version) - you have to hear him read it in his own work, amazing voice.
Beautiful (usually sad) Songs:
Regina Spektor--Samson
Coldplay--Don't Panic
Bright Eyes--Waste of Paint
Songs That Make Me Dance:
The Stone Roses--Fools Gold
Gwen Stefani
Garbage--Sex Is Not the Enemy
Men, Women, and Children--Dance In My Blood!!!
Spoken Word/Poetry/Podcasts:
Taylor Mali
Savage Love
Raymond McDaniel
Alice Fulton
Annie Leibovitz--photographer
David LaChappelle--photographer
Jim Dine
Brassai--"Lovers In a Small Cafe..."
Henry Callahan--"Chicago" when women were called broads
Ralph E. Meatyard--People In Creepy Masks
Great Movies You Might Have Missed:
City Of God
Annie Hall
Brokeback Mountain
Hard Candy
The Fountain
The Kids Stay In the Picture
Conversations With Other Women
Be A Better Person:
Have intellectual conversations
Donate blood
Drive less
Play games
Be curious
Skip the Bar:
Cedar Point Amusement Park!
Coed Softball
Bikes rides on Gwynn Falls Trail or through Druid Hill Park
Duckpin bowling
Poker nights
Foot races
Going to the ocean
Rome, Italy and all the piazzas
Adam was listening to Peng! by Stereolab at the time of this post, and is still not blown away like he has been told he would be, but it might be growing on him.
okay i guess my list was long!
and man, i don't even get my own picture?! rip off. to make up for it you should plug the plunge and the link to donate. :)
hope nyc is fun.
did adam use the phrase "plug her"?... dude thats gross... this blog is for public use....
i like to comment so i will:
it was nice to see The Stone Roses make it to a list... unexpected and nice.
Annie Leibovitz-(she's mean to me)
David LaChappelle-(he's nice to fiamma)
Ralph E. Meatyard-i really like people who give themselves their own last name. but on the art front, how come all photographers? youre really offending brother eric's painting sensibilities.
Persepolis = is this because the girl kind of looks like you?
i too like to comment, so... i think all photographers because i see a lot of their work at once, but artists i tend to only see a piece or there that i like, rarely a full collection. it's neat that you and fiamma have met them. and i dont think persepolis looks like me, but thanks. maybe it's the big nose in this picture adam decided to use that makes you think so.
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