Mike Ward calls Killing Yourself To Live by Chuck Klosterman the funniest book he's ever read. This means a lot to me, so I just ordered it with a Barnes and Noble gift certificate that I had from Christmas. We'll see about this one, but I must admit excitement to give it a try. A seemingly good description of the book:
For 6,557 miles, Chuck Klosterman thought about dying. He drove a rental car from New York to Rhode Island to Georgia to Mississippi to Iowa to Minneapolis to Fargo to Seattle, and he chased death and rock 'n' roll all the way. Within the span of twenty-one days, Chuck had three relationships end -- one by choice, one by chance, and one by exhaustion. He snorted cocaine in a graveyard. He walked a half-mile through a bean field. A man in Dickinson, North Dakota, explained to him why we have fewer windmills than we used to. He listened to the KISS solo albums and the Rod Stewart box set. At one point, poisonous snakes became involved. The road is hard. From the Chelsea Hotel to the swampland where Lynyrd Skynyrd's plane went down to the site where Kurt Cobain blew his head off, Chuck explored every brand of rock star demise. He wanted to know why the greatest career move any musician can make is to stop breathing...and what this means for the rest of us.If the description interests you, there is a longish excerpt (I believe from the beginning of the book) RIGHT HERE! I could see how this guy's approach could annoy a number of readers over at Amazon that gave the book a bad review, but it seems right up my alley. Good call Mike Ward...looking forward to the rest.
On a side note, what do you all think of this Bon Iver guy? I'm listening to For Emma, Forever Ago at the recommendation of both TJ Huff and Mike Gittings. I think they hit it with this one. Real good so far. The first time I listened to it was in the car and the second time in some good headphones. This is a headphone album for sure.
Hey dude,
Glad you ordered that. I'll be interested in hearing what you thought about it...
Also, you nailed with that Okkervil River album. Great late night driving music. I highly recommend the album Black Sheep Boy by them as well.
Bon Iver is great -- I endorse that recommendation.
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