Look at this guy, being all angry in the chair. Todd Hargest has been a friend for longer that I initially realized. Friends of older brother Eric's since high school at Calvert Hall, the early stages of mine and Todd's interactions were mostly just him calling me and all of my friends weiners. He did this a lot. Then we had a couple bands together like Mr. Belvadere (I think we spelled it wrong on purpose) and McNASA, in which Todd played guitar and sang about Larissa Oleynik. We are still waiting for Ben Valis to book that reunion tour.
These days Todd and I play softball together (mostly losing), and eat half-off burgers and beers at Swallow at the Hallow together. The following is Todd's approach to Friends Recommend in his own words.
If I was doing a straight 'my favorites' list it would probably look a lot like Eric's or Chris' or Rick's or your's, etc. So I tried to make a list of what I would recommend to people. Great stuff that should have a first look/read/listen or an open minded second. That's the point, right? Anyway here are my lists, Jerkface:Music:
Archers of Loaf--All the Nations Airports (1996)
Seam--The Pace Is Glacial (1998)
Les Savy Fav--The Cat and the Cobra (1999) the best band I've ever seen live? Definitely top 3
Super Furry Animals--Rings Around the World (2001)
Q and Not U--Power (2004)
Seu Jorge--The Life Aquatic Studio Sessions (2005) my number one chill out album.
Maritme--We, the Vehicles (2006) members of Dismemberment Plan + Promise Ring
Tokyo Police Club--A Lesson Crime (2006)
Georgie James--Places (2007)
Flight of the Concords
Anything Steve Coogan--Knowing Me, Knowing You, I'm Alan Partridge, Saxondale
The Loop
Wings--underrated classic
Lookwell!--Conan O'brien sitcom pilot
JPOD--Canadian comedy/drama based on Douglas Copeland novel of the same name. Alan Thicke plays the dad!
Eagle vs. Shark
Field of Dreams
Annie Hall
Stranger Than Fiction
Shampoo Planet--Douglas Copeland
In Our Time--Ernest Hemingway
Lolita--Vladimir Nabokov
Travels With Charlie--John Steinbeck
Shoeless Joe--W.P. Kinsella
Very nice, Todd. The editor is excited about the Maritime pick because he has never heard that band and loves the Dismemberment Plan. Also he can get it for cheap on emusic. The editor also likes the chronological listing of the music picks.
Adam was listening to Andrew Bird and the Mysterious Production of Eggs at the time of this post, and he isn't sure about it. He likes the cover art though.
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