We're flipping back a few lists again. I have a movie or two in the works from this Ward list, and one from the Todd list, but I need to obtain them before I can watch them. Hard Candy comes from Heather's picks a couple weeks back, and after just finishing it a few minutes ago I'm not too sure how I feel about it. I'm not sure that you can consider this a recommends because I'm not sure that I recommend it. It was good, there is no question about that...so in that sense I am saying that you might want to see this movie. But I don't know that any movie I've ever seen (minus maybe Meet the Parents) has made me feel this uncomfortable for the entire duration of the movie (in a completely different way than Meet the Parents).
Ellen Paige (Juno) plays a very un-Juno role in this one. I will only give away plot that occurs within the first 15 minutes, but basically not-Juno meets an older guy (I think my math award skills calculated that he was 32, and her supposedly 14) via the world wide web. You remember chat rooms, right? Do they still exist? Anyway, they talk on the internet, arrange a meeting, he reluctantly allows her to come back to his house, and she drugs him with a screwdriver (the beverage) and holds him captive in his own house. The plot that unfolds is good, and maybe now that I have finished it and don't feel so uncomfortable, and have had one hot toddy I might be realizing that I liked it. You be the judge for yourself. Here is the trailer if it helps:
I'm with you, Adam. I enjoyed the movie, but felt uncomfortable all the way through. I walked away from it unsure of how I felt about it, but the more I distance myself from it, the more praise I give this one.
Man, I'm not sure that sounded like a recommend. In fairness this was a Mr. Hop recommend originally.
I think it had a really great twist and brought up a lot of good points--like you don't race to the finish of a screwdriver with a 14 y/o. And even if someone is throwing themselves at you, you're the adult and you have to behave like one (that's a general "you") and tell the kid to ease up.
Maybe you guys were uncomfortable because you have something to hide. J/K.
is this where heather found her love of red hooded sweatshirts?
that, to me, is a very funny brotherhop comment.
it is not.
yes. very funny. and i will now think of this movie everytime i see heather in her little red hoodie.
to the movie: i think it's good idea (not great, just good), but i actually thought the execution left something to be desired. though i can't quite put my finger on what that might be. i didn't love it and i didn't hate it.
but that might just be b/c i, personally, get annoyed with after -school-special movies that make something that is clearly wrong somehow controversial, and then receive a lot of praise for being so edgy. Boys Don't Cry also falls into this category for me.
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