Field of Dreams is a classic among classic movies, and my favorite of any sports film. It is based on the novel Shoeless Joe by W.P. Kinsella which is another recommends from Todd. It is probably the most quoted movie of my whole life, and was a major force in the raising of me and my brother. We have probably seen it over a hundred times, and I'm amazing that the tape still plays. It sits at number 6 on AFI's Top 10 Fantasy Films of All-Time, and number 9 on the Kleenex-sponsored 100 Greatest Tearjerkers. You'll cry like a little girl at the end. Most likely after this classic speech by James Earl Jones:
ESPN has their own top 25 greatest sports movies list, but we at Friends Recommend feel a little different. Sure their list is fine, but our top ten are as follows (in order, and note that I have never seen Hoosiers):
1. Field of Dreams
2. The Sandlot
3. A League of Their Own
4. The Natural
5. Bad News Bears
6. Teen Wolf (yeah, that's right)
7. Rocky 1-3
8. Caddyshack
9. Major League
10. Hoop Dreams
Upset that I snubbed The Mighty Ducks? I urge you to post your favorites in the comment section. Don't be shy now, and seriously Rudy? Wow. I just found out that Sean Astin (Rudy, Lord of the Rings, etc.) is NOT the guy who played Herc in the Wire. Apparently it was Dominick Lombardozzi. But come on, look at these guys:

okay i could have told you about the wire! i've never seen field of dreams... i guess i should watch it.
Yeah, that Wire and Sean Astin comparison was weak.
I was always tripped up by thinking Cpl. Timothy P. Upham in Saving Private Ryan was Henry Thomas of E.T. fame...but in fact, it's Jeremy Davies of recent Lost fame. BUT! They look much more similar than your comparison, if I do say so myself.
Also, could you elaborate on how Terrance Mann is based on J.D.Salinger? I'm just not getting the relevance. Am I missing something obvious here?
let me start by saying, JESKa you are a real pain in the ass. that comparison is gold. they look identical.
in the book shoeless joe, on which this movie is based, the writer character is actually J.D. Salinger. ray kinsella is on a cross-country trip to ease J.D. Salinger's pain, apparently. in the movie they created the fictional character of Terrance Mann to take J.D. Salinger's place. so in that way Terrance Mann is based on the book character of J.D. Salinger. Does that work for you?
Adam, I like your list but you forgot "Rookie of the Year" That is right up there with the Sandlot for me.
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