It only makes sense that the recommender to follow brother Eric be his so-called other half, new bride Jessica. I would give her a proper introduction but her list is lengthy. Also, she wouldn't want a wordy introduction because she is the person who constantly complains that these things are too long. She is great. I wanted to post the picture of her crying at her bridal shower, but I couldn't find it. I also almost posted this in lieu of a real picture of her at her request, but I decided against it. Her specialty is in the literature/writing area, but she has some real fine picks in all walks of recommends, right down to those Ricky B potatoes at the end. Also she has included some of her own commentary, and supplementary links to go along with this. Above and beyond the call of duty Jeska! Here we go:
Richard Brautigan--The Hawkline Monster: A Gothic Western
Richard Brautigan--Willard and His Bowling Trophies: A Perverse Mystery
Herman Hesse--Narcissus and Goldmund (I read the Hesse books a long time ago and couldn't tell you what they're about, but I remember really really liking them).
Herman Hesse--Steppenwolf
John Barth--The Floating Opera and The End of the Road (They're coupled together purposefully by the author.)
Mary Shelley--Frankenstein (I know it's a classic, but I feel like it's a classic that a lot of people haven't actually read. It's great, you should read it.)
Harper Lee--To Kill a Mockingbird (Another classic and maybe some of you were forced to read this in grade school, but I didn't read it until I was 25 and it blew my mind.)
Nick Bantok--The Griffin & Sabine Trilogy (It's just neat, you'll see.)
Neil Gaiman--The Sandman (graphic novel series)
Michael Chabon--The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
Eyes Without a Face (1960)--not especially a fan of older films or horror films, but found myself really liking this
It Happened One Night (1934)--I caught this on Bravo several years ago and thought it was great, it also won lots of awards if you're into that sort of thing.
The Fisher King (a Terry Gilliam joint featuring Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges)--I loved this, however not everyone I know has felt the same way.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Way of the Gun (I haven't found very many people who appreciate the smartness of the move the way I do)(editor's note: hmmm)
I Heart Huckabees--another movie that few people I know appreciate
It's A Wonderful Life
Childhood Favorites:
The Labyrinth
The Never-ending Story
My So-Called Life (it's sort of annoying to me now when I re-watch this as an adult, but this was the only network show that I identified with in my teens).
Arrested Development
The Office (American) -- though it's still too soon to commit myself to this as a whole series.
The Cosby Show
Serge Gainsbourg
Fleet Foxes
Tom Waits (the early(ier) years)
Wilco/Jeff Tweedy
Granddaddy/Jason Lytle (specifically this video: http://www.stewdio.org/jed/ )
Elliott Smith
Places (actual or virtual):
http://www.dimemuseum.com/ (R.I.P.)
Mutsu apples
Rick's mashed potatoes and bread pudding
My mom's hot German potato salad -- to which I cannot find an adequate recipe to link you to because it's different every time.
*all commentary is the work of the recommender, not the innocent blogger. You have a problem you take it up with her, I'll even send you her email address and two private cell phone numbers.
wow, i AM wordy. just call me kettle!
also...i think this picture is better from that same night:
Also, you didn't add It's a Wonderful Life, like I requested.
slow down! talk about dominating the conversation.
some editing should have been done to this list
further, what? do you not like art?
yeah yeah yeah.... what about art? though i must say... i am right in line with your there on narcissus and goldmund as well as the fisher king and i heart huckabees... especially that grand central station scene in fisher king and mark wahlberg getting frustrated in huckabees.
TJ -- I guess you didn't notice my AVAM link? Plus, everything that would've been on my list was already on Eric's (not that everything on his list would've been on mine, though) so I felt redundant and unoriginal. The only additional artist I would give props to is Ian Whitmore, but that has more to do with my friendship with him than any profound knowledge I have about art.
Also, I can't believe Adam didn't take Eric's list as an opportunity to share m.bovie
Okay. Really shutting up now.
i was really excited to share m. bovie with the world, but i didn't have access to any of his art at the time. then this past weekend he put a bunch of it up on his facebook profile. so, there will be a future post dedicated to him. although, most everyone who reads this blog is already an m. bovie fan. regardless, that segment is forthcoming. promise.
also, jessica your list has received the most comments of any post by far. too bad they are all from you.
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