Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wes Anderson

It wouldn't be possible for me to describe in words my love for all of the Wes Anderson films. My favorite movie of all-time is the Royal Tenenbaums. I can say that without any hesitation, and it really requires no thought. At least one other (Rushmore) would make it into my top 5 movies of all-time, and the others wouldn't be too far behind (even my least favorite of them). I have a hard time even describing his work in words, because they are the perfect balance of (top-notch) acting, musical accompaniment, off-center dark humor, awkward heartbreaking dialogue, visual stimulation (the set design and costume design are detailed beyond description), etc, etc. It would be better for you to experience if for yourself that to read a mediocre description by me.

I would just watch them is really great to see Anderson's development from Bottle Rocket (1996) to Rushmore (1998) just two years later. In order they would go Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums (2001), The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004), and The Darjeeling Limited (2007). My order of personal preference would be:

1) The Royal Tenenbaums
2) Rushmore
3) The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
4) Bottle Rocket
5) The Darjeeling Limited (even though I still love it)
One of my favorite things about Wes Andersons films are the reappearance of certain actors in all of his films, the big guns being Bill Murray, Angelica Huston, Owen Wilson, Luke Wilson, and Kumar Pallana. Acting doesn't get much better than Bill Murray as Raleigh St. Clair or Herman Blume. Also of particular note are the great slowed down final scenes with perfect music playing that Wes Anderson is now known for. Here are three of my favorite clips from the films Eric specified--Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums, and Life Aquatic. Can the boy tell time?

1 comment:

erichop said...

man, that first clip might be my favorite movie scene of all time, classic.