Thursday, December 4, 2008

Arrested Development

The Arrested Development count is currently at 1. Keep that in mind, you'll be hearing a lot more about this one from various recommenders. Today is not a very blog friendly day for me, so I apologize to all of those looking for a wordy and typically unfocused post.

I haven't seen all of Arrested Development. I have watched some really great episodes that I would put right up there with some of the best television, but I still need to see the whole series. It's on the list of things to do. So for this one I relied on my family Arrested Development expert, brother Eric, to suggest one of his favorite clips from the show for your viewing pleasure. Curve ball, it's on Hulu not Youtube!


t.j. said...

perhaps then you should come up to TNADMN nights to bone up on your Arrested Developmenting...

TNADMN nights = Tuesday Night Arrested Development Marathon Night nights.

h. van de mark said...

YES, I love this show!

mayohayes said...

I had no idea of the lack of Arrested Development in your life, you ignorant slut