Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Recommends

I'm calling another audible for the Christmas season. I have one more day to post for Jessica, which will go up later this afternoon. It being the holiday season next week, I don't forsee myself doing a regular Wednesday and Thursday post. Nobody is going to be at work, and who reads blogs in their free time? So next week will be some holiday picks to warm the heart, straight from me to you. Thanks for the inflow of lists as well, after my recent cries for help. For good or bad, I'll be able to keep this going for many weeks to come. You guys are the best. This is for both of us:


mayohayes said...

hey what is it, take a worm for a walk week!

Cory Palmer said...

Haha! Yes I second Matt Hayes' comment.

erichop said...