Anyway, I loved this song, and when Garden State came out I have to admit I started feeling a little funny about really liking The Shins. Now I'm not a weirdo, and I didn't let it effect my liking of this band, but something just felt funny. Like all of the sudden hearing The Shins had this connection to Garden State and made me think of the movie even if it wasn't this song. The little included montage is exactly what I am talking about. The Shins were good to begin with...they didn't need to be tied in with movie imagery, but I just couldn't shake it. Everytime I heard the band I didn't want to hear the quote "Good luck exploring the infinite abyss" or something like that. Well, whatever. I actually do like the movie, and I actually do really like The Shins. I just wish they weren't tied together in my brain for so long (I have since gotten over this!)
I am glad Mike Ward picked this one. I think it is a great album from start to finish, especially from start because it begins with my favorite Shins song. The whole album is good, rock with a slight twang. That is how I think of it. It can rock moderately hard, but it has this little twist (are they from the south?) If you somehow haven't heard The Shins this is the place to start, for me. If you haven't heard The Shins I'm not sure where you've been. But if you have this connection of them with Garden State like I previously did, and you judge them for it, I advise you pick up this album and check out what they're really about. It's worth it. Here is a live version of Kissing the Lipless. Just for you. Also, great handclaps.
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