Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More Recommends

Hey everyone,
It's Mike again with another Wednesday. Today I thought I would expand on something from last week and present a list of new recommends from my dad.

My dad happens to be one of Adam's favorite conversation topics of mine, because all of the stories that involve him have some sort of ridiculous scenario. The joke at the bar, the Tommy Hilfiger outlet, the Disneyworld birds (Adam might not know this one), but these are all classic stories that involve my dad getting impatient, or asking for a ridiculous request. Ask me about these one time and I will gladly spin you a yarn.

Anyway, I was talking to my dad last week and asked him what his favorite albums were. I was a little shocked by his answers because he doesn't own any real albums (which I will explain in a sec), and only listens to the radio. I also got his fave movies. Here's his list:

The Beatles - The White Album
The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper
Fleetwood Mac - s/t
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
E.L.O. - Greatest Hits

Gunga Din
The Outlaw Josey Wales
The Searchers
Red River
Lawrence of Arabia

My childhood experience with these albums is a little off balance. I was exposed to a fair amount of Fleetwood Mac and E.L.O., but it was my mom who used to play these all the time, and not my dad. He was always playing Vivaldi's Four Seasons on cassette, or the oldies station. And I really was not even exposed to much Beatles growing up. Probably 8 years ago, I rummaged through his old records and found all of these albums there, plus a slew of other classic stuff. It was surprising finding some of these here because he never previously expressed interest in the Beatles, and around the time I was getting into them, he always seemed like he was turned off by them. Also, he doesn't own any CDs, preferring songs to whole albums. Another thing I found amusing while searching through his records was when I came to the self titled Fleetwood Mac album. On the back of the album he had checked off in pencil the songs that he enjoyed the most. I guess he needed the reminder that "Rhiannon" is a good song. I will say that in the years since, he seems to have taken a liking to the Beatles again.

I will say that his movie picks are not for everyone. Three of the movies here are Westerns, and the most recent of these five is The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976). However, I actually am a fan of all of these movies.

Lawrence of Arabia is actually on my Top 5 movie list as well. It has some of the best camera work in movie history, and is one of the most epic movies ever conceived. If you are a history buff, more specifically military history, this is required viewing. It takes during World War I, and when I think about it, I can't think of a better depiction of that era than this movie. The man's story it chronicles, T.E. Lawrence, had a pretty incredible life. The whole movie basically shows how he went from the lowly ranked soldier, to a commander of an army in a relatively short amount of time. Anyway, read more here:

Anyway, that's it for me. More next week...


adam. said...

i have never considered this film. perhaps i will put it on the list right behind harold and maude.

Chris said...

This was so much nicer than yesterday.