Ahoy friendly readers! My name is Mike and it's my pleasure to be able to comment and offer my own insight to this blog. Hat's off to Adam for asking for my contribution. Adam didn't actually give me a lot of instruction about what to talk about, but to just comment on other people's recommendations (or some shit). For now I will be the writer of your Wednesdays. Anyhow, I thought I'd start kind of the same way new lists are presented and talk a bit about Friends Recommend creator Adam Hopkins. Maybe Adam doesn't remember this, but I first knew of him ten years ago, when he came to see my old band at Cafe Tattoo. At the time, he was taking bass lessons from the bass player in my band. I still very clearly remember my friend Greg telling me that his student Adam was coming to see us play, and I vividly have this picture in my mind of Adam standing with a friend of his in the back of the Cafe Tattoo in the shadows. I remember this so well because he was one of only five people there that night. The other band bailed at the last minute, so it was just us, and we got paid a total of $5. I never thought I'd be writing about that moment ten years later...but yeah, what a guy this Adam is. I feel like Adam asked me to do this because I tend to have a lot of enthusiasm for the things that I love. Someone recently said I am "like an eight year old who just won the spelling bee" (when I'm excited about something). I guess this is true. I love sharing the things that I love.
Anyway, I was thinking about what my first analysis was going to be, and decided to go on a bit of a tangent and talk about a topic Chris Myers and I discussed a few nights ago; Tom Green. Remember this guy?

His bits were absolutely classic. Manic comedy at it's best. At first glance his humor seems inane, low brow and cheap...and it is, but it's also really smart at the same time. He had quite a few imitators, including Jackass, and helped spawn viral comedy that is now so prevalent on the web. This bit is my favorite, where he pranks his parents by painting "Lesbian Sluts" on the hood of his dad's car. His parents are so tolerant of him also, because he pranks them over and over and they always forgive him. Take a look.
The reason I got on this topic is because right now Tom Green is on Celebrity Apprentice, and while he definitely has calmed down a whole lot, he still rubs people the wrong way. The people who hate him most (Herschel Walker and figure skater Scott Hamilton) seem to have no creative bone in their body. Tom is great on this show, and you get to see just how smart he is.
Anyway, that's it for this week. Next week, I'll try to go back on topic and talk about someone's recommend.
Anyway, I was thinking about what my first analysis was going to be, and decided to go on a bit of a tangent and talk about a topic Chris Myers and I discussed a few nights ago; Tom Green. Remember this guy?

His bits were absolutely classic. Manic comedy at it's best. At first glance his humor seems inane, low brow and cheap...and it is, but it's also really smart at the same time. He had quite a few imitators, including Jackass, and helped spawn viral comedy that is now so prevalent on the web. This bit is my favorite, where he pranks his parents by painting "Lesbian Sluts" on the hood of his dad's car. His parents are so tolerant of him also, because he pranks them over and over and they always forgive him. Take a look.
The reason I got on this topic is because right now Tom Green is on Celebrity Apprentice, and while he definitely has calmed down a whole lot, he still rubs people the wrong way. The people who hate him most (Herschel Walker and figure skater Scott Hamilton) seem to have no creative bone in their body. Tom is great on this show, and you get to see just how smart he is.
Anyway, that's it for this week. Next week, I'll try to go back on topic and talk about someone's recommend.

That was great! The look on his mom's face when he says "I thought you liked lesbians" is priceless. I hate The Apprentice, especially Celebrity Apprentice, but Tom is great on that show. I love this recommend, and all the recommends this week. Hooray to the new era!
lol that clip was really funny, especially when he takes it to the bus stop and you can see other people laughing.
i've never liked tom green or the apprentice, but strangely i caught the last episode where it was he was butting heads with scott hamilton, and he definitely came off as a smart and creative guy (and only a bit annoying.)
this guest thing is a huge success. pressure is on for huff!
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