Friday, July 17, 2009

Upside Down Recommends

What a week here at FR! Everybody got a post up on time, except for me today. Maybe we're back on track.

For a while there was a stream of reverse recommends going on around here, where everyone would trash something that another person seemed to like. Rachel Getting Married seemed to be a big one to be reverse recommended. This post is not a reverse recommend.

I have been really out of the loop with movies lately. I didn't even know what Bruno was until late last week. The only movie I have seen recently is Gran Torino which was good, but not 8.4 stars good like IMDB would suggest. The acting was a little bit weak/awkward at points but I still enjoyed it.

What I am looking for from you is some modern movie recommends. These can still be in the theater if you like, or they can just be a movie that came out fairly recently. I'd like to get back in the movie loop, as I really love movies. What do you have for me? If you recommend a movie I will definitely see it, and then it will definitely get a Friends Recommend post all to itself. Not that it's any kind of motivation for you, but a little help please? A little help from my friends, please:


Jessica said...

Well, this isn't an original recommend -- but I did finally watch The Wrestler based on your recommend and thoroughly enjoyed it. I feel like I should also share that I know someone who is married to a wrestler (semi-retired), The Wifebeater, and that from what I understand the movie is disturbingly accurate.

I recommend your recommend! Markf!

Unknown said...

You know someone married to a wrestler named The Wifebeater? What a horrible name for a wrestler. What friend is this?

Unknown said...

that friend was me