I don't know how I can top a recommendation for a bar fight. There isn't much to say after that. Ricky has promised to share the story with us. I'm hoping to video tape his telling of the tale and sharing it with all of you via Friends Recommends. That should be something. Really.
My recommend today comes as a quick one. It also comes to you blind, because the movie isn't out yet. While I do have my favorite Wes Anderson movies, I've never not loved one so I don't see why Fantastic Mr. Fox--an adaptation of Roald Dahl's book--will be any different (even if it is animated). Still has a lot of that great character quirkiness W.A. is known for. A super-star cast of voices (Bill Murray, George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Jason Schwartzman, Owen Wilson, etc.), not surprisingly. I'll be there when it comes out on November 13. Trailer:
There's also a lot of trademark Wes Anderson shots in this trailer. The closeup of the hands holding something/writing something/opening a book shot is here for example. Also, the use of symmetry...All really good stuff
Nothing to see here. Just a Wes Anderson circle jerk. More Einstein!
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