Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A New Movie

So Adam was asking about good movies, and I haven't seen a whole lot lately, besides Bruno, (which I don't think I can discuss without ruining some of the best gags in the movie) but this one looks amazing:

It's playing at the Charles right now. Right in time for the anniversary of the moon landing.

I love Sci-Fi movies. People trapped in space, robots turning against humans, ships controls it all.

There was a Netflix movie I got based on someone's recommend here...Sunshine, and it was pretty great. Directed by Danny Boyle who directed Slumdog Millionaire, about a crew who basically have to dump a hydrogen bomb into the sun, because the sun is dying. Some stuff goes wrong on the way, and they encounter things they don't expect...anyway, I won't ruin it. Here's the trailer for that one:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I highly recommend Sunshine. Only horrible things happen in it, but it totally keeps you engaged and pulling for the crew. I wasn't too happy with the ending, but still thoroughly enjoyed the movie overall.

I'd really like to see this Moon movie if anyone wants to go sometime.