Monday, July 20, 2009

Just Do It

This is sort of a stange one, but bear with me. I have made a decision to get back to some of these lists that I have been neglecting for the past couple of months. But that takes a little bit of time and won't happen today. Today I have a special treat for you. You might not find it a treat, but I really love it.

Great friend, artist, film maker, musician, etc Nick Prevas ( for more info) taught high school art and film making at Carver this past semester. Carver is a magnet school for the arts in Baltimore so it attracts a lot of really talented students. Prevas has a lot to say about his experience teaching there, but today's recommends is something great that came out of it.

The following video, entitled "Just Do It" was made by two of Nick's students in his film making class at Carver. I don't know anything about them...I don't even know their names. I know them as Chas and Steven. This might not be for everyone, but these guys crack me up. I think they are the next generations' Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter, just give it time.

Before I even saw the video Nick had pretty much reenacted the entire thing so I knew what I was looking for. While you are watching also keep in mind that they showed this at the years-end video festival for parents, faculty, and students alike. That is funny to me. Without any further babbling here is "Just Do It":


ricksterb said...

That was amazing. Can we be friends with these guys, or at least get a recommends list from them?

h. van de mark said...

oh my god

Jeff Conlin said...

not sure if it was the surprisingly witty editing and improvised catch phrases, or the no-look dish from Vangelis... but that was refreshing.