Welcome back to my weekly column. I'm sick today and I don't feel like being as talky as I typically am. So let's just hop right into it and I'll explain who I am next week.

When I first saw this and countless other advertisements featuring this Jim Halpert wannabe, I didn't want anything to do with this "Chuck" TV show. Add in the fact that it was created by Josh Schwartz, creator of The O.C., another show that I was determined to hate although I had never seen an episode. And man, what's the deal with that haircut!!?! How do bangs do that?
So, it was inexplicable that I added a TiVo Season Pass for this show anyhow. Somehow, two seasons later, its secretly become the most thoroughly consistent enjoyable hours of television that I watch each week.
What is this Chuck all about? It doesn't matter. If I explained it, it would sound stupid and like something you wouldn't want to watch. What you might like best is that its not too deep in mythology. Sure there's one or two twists, but mostly, you can jump in wherever you want and kinda get the idea.
Anyhow, this show's gonna get canceled, maybe, so whatever.
Okay, let's watch some clips. Clip by clip, you'll have no clue what's going on, but I bet you'll be strangely turned on.
This is an exciting wedding!!!
And then, there's Buster!
And then this is what I imagine how Ricky B's workday is like:
Save Chuck!
Chris Myers
ugh, i hate this show. i always catch the last few minutes as i wait for heroes to come on and am always miserable that i had to watch those 3 minutes. it doesn't make any sense and it's ridiculous that that guy isn't dead yet in the show. blecch.
Well, Heather, you are still watching Heroes. I do not like that show. I do not think its a good show.
Chris, next time you take a sick day, come and see my office instead of staying home. I think you might be surprised.
I don't want to get too attached to this Chuck business because as soon as the hockey playoffs are over, I'm dumping Comcast. But that girl is amazingly good-looking.
And Ricky, touching on yesterday's comment, I will ghost write your life story if you'll give me your mashed potato recipe. Or I will life write your ghost story. I really don't care. I just need them 'taters.
How 'bout Recipe Week here?
Recipe Week is an excellent call, Steve(n); but if you suggest, you must also contribute.
Also, the mystery crisper did get me to crack a smile, but all in all I am unimpressed with this Chuck business. These recommends are going downhill.
Also, saw Crash(1996) and it was TERRIBLE. Please, please, please do not waste your time!
I have not watched an episode of Chuck but the clips I've seen are keeping me uninterested.
I will also second that Heroes is a terrible show. I watched 2.5 seasons of it because the superhero premise holds that much weight with me but it was terribly written from the get-go and then went downhill until I could bear it no more. I could write an anti-recommend about that!
yeah, i'm not going to defend heroes. but i still like watching it. that peter petrelli, mmm.
I love the idea of recipe week. I'd even share my mashed potatoes recipe if it means having my life story ghost written by Colmus.
But this blog is going in weird directions. I will say that I've recently read The World Without Us, and a Michael Chabon novel (Gentlemen of The Road) that were recommended on this blog and were very enjoyable. However they were recommended some time ago. Maybe we need to have a good week. I'm also currently reading The Wind Up Bird Chronicles and enjoying that as well.
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