I had hoped to have another Jenny recommends for today, but when I went to Netflix to watch one of her movies (I've never seen Clue!) none of them were view instantly. More of those are coming soon...I promise. She has invited all of us to go Letterboxing with her sometime. I'm sure she would regret this as soon as it happened.

I'm positive nearly everyone who reads this has at least heard that a new Wilco album titled "Wilco (The Album)" is coming out at the end of June. I'm sure most of you know that it is streaming in it's entirety HERE and I'm sure at least some of you have listened to it. I heard the first half two days ago, and this afternoon when I sat down to do computer things I found that I heard the whole album all the way through. I'm listening to it again right now and I really love it. I want to have it in CD form so I can listen to it while I drive. I am already anticipating this being a wonderful thing. I don't have too many thoughts about the album yet, this being only the second time I've really heard it all. I can tell you that I think the songwriting is solid, Jeff Tweedy sounds GREAT, and as always the guitar work of Nels Cline doesn't disappoint. I still haven't checked out Sky Blue Sky and although it has received very mixed reviews from friends I still intend to buy it. I really love A Ghost Is Born and Summerteeth, but for totally different reasons. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is one of my favorite albums ever, so I guess I compare all Wilco albums to it. Wilco (The Album), at least so far seems to lean back towards Summerteeth in it's feel-good rockiness, and away from the experimentation/drony/soundiness of A Ghost Is Born (which I also love). And although I can't give a total impression just yet, I can say that as soon as this album is released on June 30 I am going to buy it. It is certain to at least be an album that I really like, and will listen to obsessively for a week or two. It will at least be that for me, with a strong chance for more. Good job, guys. I recommend you listen to the first song (Wilco (The Song)) and see how it hits you...it gives a pretty good impression of what else is coming, but by no means tells the full story. Those of you who have listened, what do you think so far?
Lastly, there have been rumblings around here of people interested in posting some of their favorite recipes. This will have to be more than just posting a recipe, but I am willing to give another week in the blogsphere to this idea somewhere down the line if people actually want to do this. I don't know how to turn on an oven, so I am out for this one. But if everyone is dying for the recipe to Ricky's mashed beer potatoes coupled with some hilarious anecdote then I will not try to stand in the way.
man, i'm listenin' to the new record now, for the first time, and it sounds great. i heard from media sources that it would be similar to yankee hotel or ghost is born, but it is its own thing, with plenty of nels. Can't wait to hear it more though in the coming days. By the way, glad i started my own blog, in reference to how much i liked this blog... john hollenbeck just emailed me about a post i made on his music...wow, i couldn't be more pumped up right now about music!
hello from the dead poster. i didnt know if this streaming album - so this is a real treat to my sunday. adam, don't let your friends dissuade you from sky blue sky. it really is a great album and especially so for this time of year.the nice part about it is that its resolved. i'm not speaking phonically, but moreso in its state-of-mind. like beck's last album and even that new portishead that people badmouth (which i also enjoy and recommend)... it is not trying to be anything other than what it is. its nothing thats going to change your outlook on music. it is real nice listening... and sometimes i don't want my outlook augmented - i just want to nestle into a little old album with a cup of iced tea on a porch and whisper sweet nothings in it's ear (i like to think on a CD, that the ear is that tiny little hole in the middle... though its also the mouth and the butt... so its a little weird to be whispering things into it)
So far, I'm undecided on this Wilco album. I've become less and less interested in them the past few years. The last album didn't really grab me at all, save for Impossible Germany. But, I will give this one a real workout, as I do with all of their albums. The one thing I was really let down about right off the bat was this promised Feist/Jeff Tweedy duet. Well, I streamed the whole thing at work, and before I knew it, the album was over, and I thought I must have missed this duet. I went back, and it really isnt so much a duet as it's just Feist singing some back up harmony. What a gyp! She should be trading off lines, or singing lead or something. This is not what I signed up for. Better Feist duet song is the Feist/Ben Gibbard song "Train Song" from the Dark is the Night compilation.
sky blue sky is a GREAT album.
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