So today I have a short recommend: Russell Brand. Do you know this guy?

He's an English comic who was in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which I would call a decent comedy, but Russell Brand was hilarious in this. He really made this movie. He plays a version of himself, but instead of a comedian, he plays a self obsessed rock star who steals away the main guy's (Jason Seagal) girlfriend. You should watch this if you haven't yet.
Anyway, his real persona isn't much different from this character. He's really famous in England, where he does comedy and his own radio show. So, last week I listened to him on NPR's Fresh Air. It's a really great interview that I wanted to share. I was impressed by how smart he is. And the pranks he talks about are hilarious. One good one they talk about is about him giving his dirty undies to Dame Helen Mirren (the actress who played the Queen of England in "The Queen").
Here's the interview. Listen if you have 30 minutes.
So Russell Brand has a book that just came out. A tell all about his life.

After listening to this interview, I bought his book, which should be on its way, and I will talk about after I've read it. From everything I've read up on it, and if it's anything like this interview, it seems like it will be a great read.
i remember this guy being funny in that movie. i also remember hating him, but i think that was the point of the character. when i get a half hour i will be sure to check out this interview. mike ward knows what funny things, so i trust this.
Can you provide a link to where I can download more Fresh Air interviews? I don't have a radio at work and I always miss these, but I haven't heard a bad one yet.
itunes always has the last ten episodes in the Fresh Air pod cast directory. Also, check here:
Ooh Terry Gross. Love her. Have you ever seen a picture of her? It's totally not who I would expect behind that voice.
That is really pretty close to what I would have imagined. Maybe I imagine her a bit hotter than that, but I imagine all lady voices as hotter than they probably are in real life.
How about Diane Rehm? Totally not what you'd expect.
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