Have you seen this?
I got this book a few weeks ago, and LOL'd the whole way through. OMG WTF! Anyway, it's this book of made up stuff that Obama gets on his Blackberry. Text messages from Bush, emails from Bill Cosby...that sort of thing. What caught my attention was the front cover of the book. A text from Biden asking Obama if he can leave early. Funny! What's also great are the reoccurring themes through out the book. Dennis Kucinich keeps trying to find a buyer for his 1970s Volkswagen van, Arnold Schwarzenegger keeps writing Obama to let him go to find Bin Laden, Bill Clinton keeps asking Obama to send Hillary to Africa or China, Clarence Thomas keeps asking to hang out, etc. Here's how the book starts...an email from Bush:
From: George W. Bush
To: Barack Obama
SUBJECT: Did my dog show up at your house?
Hey Pardner,
My dog Barney has been missing for the last couple of hours, and I'm wondering if he did one of those "go back to the old house" situations. I know it's far, but he's a quick l'il sum'bitch. Wait, there he is. He's here. He's outside running up right now so... Hey there, good boy. Who's my little chunky monkey?
Lauura? He's back! He just ran up. I wrote to Barack. They hadn't seen him.
Go get this book!
this looks funny.
i have absolutely no interest in reading this book. ever.
sorry ward.
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