I know I've recommended this one to a few of our FR readers already, but I have to give a strong recommend to the new Dirty Projectors album "Bitte Orca." I have liked the Dirty Projectors stuff before (I listened to Rise Above a bunch when I got it off emusic) but Bitte Orca is a whole new level for them (for me, anyway). I guess the title a lot of people give the band is avant-rock, whatever you want to take that for. Whatever you call it, it is really good. The new album particularly.
You can check out a wide range of their stuff at their myspace page, but the recommendation from me is that you just buy Bitte Orca. Maybe listen to a couple sound clips first and see if it is up your alley. The only person who didn't like it so far is Huff, but I don't know what is wrong with that guy. The album itself is really difficult to desribe, but their are a lot of great arrangements, really weird high vocals, strings, angular rhythms, etc. Just listen. If you don't like it I'll buy you a Natty Bo next time I see you. I am only making that offer because I don't think anyone reads this anymore, and if people do read this I bet they won't make it this far in the post.
One side note about the band...a fun fact that drew me to them in the first place. The 2007 album Rise Above is an attempt to recreate a bunch of Black Flag songs. This wouldn't be very interesting if they were just covers. Instead the band tried to recreate the songs from memory, not going back and listening to the songs (which they hadn't heard for years) before recording them. The result is something that sounds completely independent of the originals, with more references than covers occuring. Anyway, check out Bitte Orca...I think you'll enjoy. Here is a video from the album...the song is called Stillness Is The Move:
I also would second this recommend. I've been listening to this a lot, and this song is my fave on the album.
I'm with Huff on this one -- where's my Bo?
yeah yeah,... me and JesKa are thirsty
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