After many requests (is two people considered many?) I have decided to open it up to the readers again to help with our very first Friends Recommend Recipe Week. This will function exactly like The Top-5 Week, but it should be much easier for people to come up with a recipe to share than to pick their top-5 favorite songs of all time.
These don't have to be fancy recipes. The only stipulations:
1. Ricky must share his mashed potato recipe.
2. Don't just submit a recipe please, give us a some sort of overview, or a funny story about how one time Ricky dropped this dish in his lap when you made it for him.
3. I guess that is pretty much it.
Next week is a normal week of Friends Recommend. I'm giving you a heads-up right now that I'm taking a vacation day on Monday so there won't be a post. So you have a whole week to get these to me. Email them to hopkinak at gmail.com. Just like with the Top-5 week this will probably last longer than a week. We'll let the recipes go until they run out. Guest bloggers are strongly encouraged to post a recipe. I have never cooked anything in my life, so this will be interesting. It would be really special if we had a Friends Recommend recipe gathering and everyone cooked these things for each other, but who am I kidding. Let's just sing some Karaoke instead. There are no limitations to the type of recipe. It can be a curry (Mike Gittings can't submit curry again though, he already did that), a cake, some eggs, or even your favorite after-hours cocktail. Yeah, more cocktail recipes. OK. 1-2-3, go!
I will have nothing to contribute to this. Someone will have to take my spot
I think you should give the people a step-by-step of how you make a quesadilla. even if it's only three steps.
and don't forget the part about including a funny antidote about it, either!
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