Talk about friends...look at these guys, having fun on the beach. Brother Eric is two years my elder. And what a guy. Artist/musician/owner-of-great-dog/husband-to-great-wife/brother-to-amazing-brother kind of guy. Most people who know me know him as well, and realize that he got all the muscle and height that my parents have to give (leaving none for me), but a charming, slight, nearly constant grumpiness as well. His primary field of interest is visual art, and he makes some amazing stuff (paintings, drawings) when he is motivated to do so. If I ever get ahold of them I'll be sure to post some of his work from an art show with m. bovie from last year. He also hit four, correction six homeruns for our softball team this year. Whoa! (He insisted I change that).
A recommends list from him reads an awful lot like one from myself would, with the exception of the music section, although all these picks are great. I would say about 75% percent of the things here would make its way onto my very own recommends list, which essentially means I will probably never have to do one. And without further ado, Eric recommends:
Radiohead--OK Computer, Kid A
A recommends list from him reads an awful lot like one from myself would, with the exception of the music section, although all these picks are great. I would say about 75% percent of the things here would make its way onto my very own recommends list, which essentially means I will probably never have to do one. And without further ado, Eric recommends:
Radiohead--OK Computer, Kid A
The Beatles--Abbey Road
Neutral Milk Hotel--In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Weezer--Blue Album, Pinkerton
Pavement--Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain, Brighten the Corners, Slanted and Enchanted
Pavement--Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain, Brighten the Corners, Slanted and Enchanted
Seinfeld Season 9, especially "The Burning" episode
The Adventures of Pete and Pete
Freaks and Geeks
Arrested Development
The Office (American)
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Anything Wes Anderson (top three, Rushmore, The Royal Tennenbaums, The Life Aquatic)
Edward Scissorhands
Paul Thomas Anderson (Punch Drunk Love, Magnolia)
The Big Lebowski
Christopher Guest (This is Spinal Tap, Best in Show)
David Eggers--A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
Marcel Dzama
Marcel Dzama
Henry Darger
Mark Rothko
m. bovie
Robert Rauschenberg
Souther Salazar
May I be the first to say that that picture is adorable.
I wonder how many pictures exist of you dressed exactly alike -- we should spend a day tallying them all up!
4 home runs in fall ball and 2 home runs in spring league equal 6 for the year guy, but who's counting
suggestion: maybe you should just have a blog with everyone's picture from when they were kids. it'd be really cute. maybe interspersed with some pictures of beagle puppies.
great list. great list indeed. i am on board with everything except that marcel dzama chump... boy i'd like to headbutt him with my fist.
no seriously... can we replace him on the list with cute pictures of beagle puppies like the gray suite suggests?
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