Thursday, August 6, 2009

Nothing and Everything

Sorry I didn't post anything today. I'm kind of a mess these days, what with my bar fights, drunkenness and devil-may-care attitude.

If Netflix was a little faster, I could have recommended the movie Girl On the Bridge, but I'll save that for next week when I can get a second viewing in.

I am really, really enjoying The Ground Beneath Her Feet by Salman Rushdie. I'm less than a hundred pages into this 573 page book, but it's amazing so far. Anyone else read any Rushdie? I've only heard good things and I enjoyed East | West, but only as much as I can enjoy a book of short stories (sorry Todd).

For now all I can recommend is letting things go and stepping out of your comfort zone. It's been a blast for me.

Oh, and for anyone who was wondering, I apparently gave last week's bar fight guy a real shiner of a black eye.

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