Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The How and the Why

OK, friends. The idea for this blog came to me recently after finishing reading Skinny Legs and All by Tom Robbins. It was recommended to me by one friend and one family member, and I had no interest in reading it. I reluctantly read it and it became one of my favorite books immediately. Then I realized that most of the great things I am aware of in the area of the arts have come as a recommendation from a friend or friend of friends. So the idea is this. Every Friday I will feature a new friend of mine, and they will give their favorite picks in the areas of music, film, literature, television, etc. The idea is that if something is good enough to be a friends' all-time-favorite, or life-changing album, movie, or book, then it is probably worth checking out. There is no limit to the amount of things that you can recommend, but it should be things that you really love, not just the last book you read. You are not recommending to ME necessarily, but sharing your favorite things that hopefully others will be inclined to check out for themselves.

Basically I will post these things in the order they come in and a new one will go up every Friday morning. The format will be me introducing this friend, how I know them, what they do, and then I'll post their list of recommendations. Then starting Monday the following week I try to highlight something from the blog, and discuss it in depth. I do this for four things on the list (Mon-Thurs) and then Friday we start all over with a new person.

If you are not officially my friend and you came across this blog by accident, feel free to join in. Send me your picks and I will eventually post them. My email is hopkinak@hotmail.com Also, there will be a miscellaneous section so it doesn't have to be limited to just music, movies, art, and books. If Jeff Weber wants to recommend food I will gladly relay his recommendations to you.



h. van de mark said...

when you said favorite book i thought you were talking about "amazingly close," not "skinny legs." Really that's in the favorites category? What about "jitterbug"? And what about "amazingly close"? i'm curious about your criteria for favorite... :c)

h. van de mark said...

just so you know, on the side bar, under rundown, it's spelled "concept"
