Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Office (Original British Version)

And we're up and running again after a very extended holiday weekend. We're getting right down to business (I'm trying to embrace brevity) with a few more Cory Palmer picks before we proceed to our first flesh-and-blood recommends.

Everyone has probably seen one of the versions of the Office. The American version is all over television here in, well, America. It is a never-miss for me on Thursday nights (actually I usually miss it, but I always catch it after the fact before next weeks is free on That counts). I feel like less people have seen it's British predecessor (with brevity comes slightly bigger words as well). I saw the entire British series, which is two full seasons, before I had ever really heard of the American Office. The first season of the American Office is basically a remake of the first season of the British Office, and then they went their own way with it. All of the characters are in both versions, but with different names and drastically different personalities. This wikipedia entry has some additional info including the character equalities, the biggest being the boss David Brent played by Ricky Gervais in the British Office, and Michael Scott played by Steve Carell in the American Office. Also, the humor in the British version is a little more, well, British.

When I heard about the American Office I immediately said that it could ever equal the quality of it's British counterpart without even seeing an episode, because I loved the British version so much. It is a fairly regular argument among some friends about which is the superior version, but it's really apple and oranges. Basically, if you currently enjoy the American Office and haven't seen the British version you probably should because it is equally as funny. Same goes the other way around. Like I said, I love both and don't think I could choose between the two. Cory favors the British version, so here are two of my favorite clips from the series.


Jessica said...

Okay, okay...I have favored the American version myself and these clips were a nice refresher, especially in the wake of some of the more recent (and crappy) episodes of the American version. I fear the difference may simply be in the British knowing when to quit and Americans...well, not knowing.

adam. said...

i don't know. the american version this past week was pretty pretty pretty good. sometimes the sappiness between jim and pam is a little much. we need more awkward tension...

t.j. said...

here we go again... another reference to adam having distaste for something before giving it a chance... then coming around to liking it... verry interesting... fascinating...

and also - i think the two run particularly parallel... not the same by any means... but equally as good. what i like about the british unease, gets counterbalanced because i like that pam... she's something else